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Here's our why

We believe successful businesses create environments that add value to the humans they employ.

(These are stock images. We work from home and wear pajamas to work more often than not.)

How we do it

We believe in making the needs of our workforce equal to the needs of our clients. We strive to create long-term personal empowerment in our employees that results in personal satisfaction.

Our Culture

By training people thoroughly and creating a culture where people want to stay, we create longevity that allows our account managers to truly know the ins and outs of the accounts they manage. This is the most requested feature of Social Media Marketing companies and one we take into consideration in all we do.

Our Principles

This is what drives us to deliver high quality results.

We work smart

We don't only work hard, but we always try to find the smartest and most sustainable ways to solve problems for our customers.
Because we have a global team, our team members are free to work whenever it's convenient for them, as long as the job gets done right and done on time.

We love people

We've built a community where customers and staff are the pillars of our business. We show care and concern for our fellow workers as much as we care for our customers' needs. To us, there's no one more equal than others. We believe everyone deserves fair treatment.

Driven by amazing results

The best part of our job is seeing our clients make the right business decisions based on our insights and recommendations. As an organization, we're driven by maximizing ROI for all our customers.

Radical transparency

We guard our integrity jealously. As part of the process, we work hard to create and maintain a culture of open and honest communication amongst ourselves and with our customers. Granted, as humans, we make mistakes once in a while, but we always take full responsibility when we er.

Continuous improvement

The world of advertising is evolving, and so are we. At Team W Media, we invest in our staff and contractors to ensure they're always ahead of the curve, learning the most important trends that help future-proof our customers' advertising efforts.

It's easy to get started

Are you looking for Facebook Ads, Instagram Ads, Google Ads, or LinkedIn Ads experts to help grow your business? 
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Let's get in touch

We would like to help you get started on your digital journey. Please fill in the form below to connect with a member of our team.
© 2025 Team W Media LLC 2508 Thorney Wood Lane Indianapolis, IN 46239, US